Data Security and Protection Statements

The Guide to the GDPR is part of our Guide to Data Protection. It is for DPOs and others who have day-to-day responsibility for data protection.

It explains the general data protection regime that applies to most UK businesses and organisations. It covers the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as it applies in the UK, tailored by the Data Protection Act 2018.

It explains each of the data protection principles, rights and obligations. It summarises the key points you need to know, answers frequently asked questions, and contains practical checklists to help you comply.

Data Security and Protection Statements

Where relevant, this guide also links to more detailed guidance and other resources, including ICO guidance, statutory ICO codes of practice, and European guidance published by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB).

You may also find other sections of the Guide to Data Protection useful:

The relevants statements are available for all patients to view in patient waiting room.